Boost your immune system with food and supplements. Think of food as your new prescription of medicine. It is that powerful and always safe for you. It’s not enough just to remove the bad food, you must replace it with healing foods everyday.  Eat as much fruits (yes fruits!) and vegetables as you want.  I never felt hungry, because I filled myself with lots of nutritional food.  I dedicate this whole page to Anthony Williams, aka Medical Medium, who is my go to guy for nutrition and the hidden secrets of food!


Use a juicer (you can find the one I like on my resource page) or use a nutribullet if that is all you have to make your celery juice every morning.  You will need a full bunch of celery to make 16 ounces of juice.  Start with small amounts and build up to 16 oz over a 2-4 week period. Drink celery juice first thing every morning on an empty stomach.  Wait 20-30 minutes after you drink it to eat your breakfast.  Celery juice is the answer to your prayers!! It pulls toxins out of your liver, while killing off viruses in your body.  It raises your hydrochloric acid in your stomach so you can digest your food with ease. It cleanses and starves out bad bacteria. It is the absolute best thing you can do for Any autoimmune condition. 

 This is not something you do for just a few days or a month.  If you are dealing with an autoimmune disease, there is a lot of work to be done inside your body.  I personally have been drinking celery juice for a year and a half.  After a month or so, maybe sooner, you will feel a difference in your body.  Know healing is taking place. This will be the most important thing you do for yourself. 


  • Wild Blueberries-you want to buy the small, wild berries in the freezer section (not the fresh ones in the boxes- they are good, but they don’t compare to the incredible nutrients in the small ones).  Use them in smoothies, add to recipes, eat plenty of them. They contain the highest antioxidants on the planet and are needed for detoxing your body of heavy metals. (most of us have heavy metals in our bodies contributing to our illness)
  • Bananas– antiviral and great for the gut
  • Berries-loaded with antioxidants, fights aging
  • Raw Honey-supports immune system and fights illness
  • Apples-anti inflammatory, reduces viral load
  • Dates-great for digestion, adrenal glands, the heart
  • Grapes-liver and kidney cleanser, helps to draw heavy metals from the body
  • Leafy Greens-eat a salad everyday. Helps alkaline your stomach, kills off bad bacteria, helps the lymphatic system (which is critical in healing)
  • Lemons & Limes-add to water to help detox your body throughout the day, loaded with vitamin C
  • Mangoes- good for thyroid and great as a sleep aid if having trouble sleeping
  • Potatoes– don’t be afraid of this nightshade- filled with antiviral properties
  • Melons-Flushes out poisons in the body that helps restore the immune system
  • Oranges– fights off viruses and adds vitamin C and calcium to your body
  • Asparagus-Cleans toxins from organs
  • Broccoli-filled with vitamins
  • Cauliflower-helps the thyroid and endocrine system
  • Brussel Sprouts-lower bad cholesterol, increase good, cleanse the liver and blood
  • Garlic & Onions– antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal 
  • Cilantro– loaded with vitamins and minerals and great at pulling heavy metals out of the body
  • Ginger-is antispasmodic, great for stomach issues and helps to calm the body
  • Spices-Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary all help with viruses 

NOTE:  All fruits and vegetables are healthy and will aid in your recovery.  

Supplements I used that were critical in my healing:

  • Zinc- Kills viruses, lowers inflammation and supports adrenal, thyroid, and liver health.
  • B 12-This vital nutrient supports your immune and can repair your nervous system. Be careful in the supplements you choose.
  • Ester C- this form of Vitamin C helps to lower inflammation and boost your immune system. It is excellent for people facing adrenal fatigue or Addison’s disease.
  • L-Lysine– this wonderful supplement helps to destroy viruses
  • Spirulina – It is loaded with important nutrients and antioxidants. It is excellent at removing heavy metal toxins from your body. Use this in your smoothies.
  • Barley grass juice powder– helps build up hydrochloric acid in your stomach and boost your immune system. Another great addition to your detox smoothies.

Look on my Supplements list under the resource page for the brands I use on a daily basis.