Part 2
As I stated in my post, “Autoimmune??”, viruses and toxins are the prime cause of autoimmune diseases. So, our number one priority is to remove these trouble makers from our body.
The following foods are not only inflammatory, but viruses and bacteria feed on them. You must stop eating them immediately. As you heal, you might be able to add them back in to your diet in moderation, but if your like me you will never want to.
- EGGS– Pathogens favorite food. They go into a feeding frenzy when you eat them, so please, please stop eating them asap. It doesn’t matter if they are pasteurized or free-ranged. If you are sick, you want to stay away from eggs until you are better.
- DAIRY– All forms- milk, cheese, lactose free too.
- GLUTEN– By now most people have learned that gluten causes inflammation so are staying away from it. That’s good news, but if you are still eating it, know it is fueling the virus that is living inside you
- CORN and SOY– almost all are genetically modified, meaning it is coated with pesticides. Be careful and read ingredients, high fructose corn syrup is in many foods. Since cows and chickens are eating this corn, try to eat grass fed animal meats.
- CANOLA OIL– This oil is damaging to the immune system and can eat away at the lining of your stomach and intestines. Note- most restaurants fry food in this type of cheap oil.
- PORK– If you have been following the paleo diet, you probably have been eating a lot of pork (bacon). According to Anthony Williams, pork has a certain type of fat that slows down our liver function and weakens it’s immune system. Since we are trying to detox our bodies, we need a healthy liver.
- LIMIT MEAT– to reduce fat in the body
There are many gluten and dairy free products on the market for you to enjoy, just read labels to make sure there are no eggs or artificial ingredients in the product.