Go with the FLOW
I just love saying that. I’m going with the flow. It’s my new mantra! I needed it this past year of 2020. So much out of our control, what else could we do? Yet, many of us did just the opposite. We were bombarded with the media feeding us the horror of the Pandemic, only to be left with fear, frustration and sadness. I decided early on to just stop watching. As a person who believes all things are energy (it’s true!) I knew that the fear that was perpetrating the earth was only making the virus stronger and us weaker. Fear lowers energetic vibrations which lowers our immune system. So, as hard as it was, I wouldn’t allow that 24/7 coverage into my life. I chose to go with the flow. Whatever will be, will be.
This isn’t to say I didn’t do what I was supposed to, wear a mask and stay socially distant. Yet, I focused more on keeping my energy high by eating the right food, exercising and meditating as much as possible. I envisioned a wonderful golden light surrounding my home and all who lived here to keep us healthy. Instead of praying out of fear, to keep us safe, I gave gratitude with love for keeping us healthy and protected every day. This little shift makes a big difference in accepting a situation instead of resisting it.
The Chinese philosophy behind Going with the Flow is to have the capability to allow situations to happen while not responding in a negative way. It also means not trying so hard to make things happen. Taoism refers to this as Wu Wei- the action of “non-action” or “effortless action”. This can also be described as a Life of Ease.
What a beautiful concept. A Life of Ease. Oh my goodness, just saying it feels good. Yet, most of us probably wouldn’t consider ourselves as being at ease with our lives. At least not on an everyday basis.
Take a minute and listen to your body. How do you feel? Do you consider yourself to be joyful and and content most days? Or are you easily frustrated and annoyed? If it is the later, chances are you are going against the natural flow of life.
The good news is we can all bring ourselves into a more natural flow by following the simple tips below.
Give yourself a break from trying to be perfect or expecting perfection from others.
Realize you can’t control everything or anyone. As hard as you try, you just can’t. Stop trying.
Unexpected situations and circumstances WILL happen. You really have to understand that and accept that things can and will happen that throw us off course. The thing is it doesn’t have to ruin your whole morning or day or week.
Observe situations and how you respond to them. Pay attention and ask yourself afterward could you have handled it differently. Was it really worth the response you gave it?
Practice ways to respond less often and let things go quicker. This takes time! Give yourself credit for realizing how you are reacting and make a shift to Less Resistance.
When a situation occurs, take 3 deep breathes, then count slowly backward, 5,4,3,2,1 before responding.
Spend time with people that bring out the best in you. Stay away from people that trigger negative emotions.
Focus on WELL BEING. This is my go to thing that works for me. Less conflict in my life, better health for me. No one and certainly no situation is worth me getting sick over.
Get enough sleep- you will be less likely to get upset over things when you are well rested.
Laugh-take a stressful or embarrassing situation and just laugh!
Follow your intuition-Do what feels good and is right for you. Don’t put pleasing others above yourself.
Stop trying so hard or forcing things to happen, find pleasure and joy in what you have now.
- Less frustration
- Less anxiety
- Less anger
- Less fighting
- More flexibility
- More acceptance
- More joy
One last thought, Going with the Flow does NOT mean allowing yourself to stay sick or stay in a harmful relationship or job you hate. Sometimes going with the flow can also mean gently turning and going in another direction.
If living a life with more ease resonates with you, give it a try. Your body and mind and those around you will thank you!